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October 6, 2012:   After a hectic week, full of
activity and rushing around, this brown garden
snail (Helix aspersa) came forward to teach me
a lesson in slowing down.

A perfectly proportioned Fibonacci spiral on
its back, the grace and balance with which it
moved was mesmerizing...sacred geometry
inching along in silence between the rocks
and under the leaves.

In synchronicity, my friend, George, posted a
painting and poem today by Master Warrior
and Zen Practitioner Yamoaka Tesshu which
was equally fitting: "If this snail sets out for the
top of Fuji surely he will get there...Unified in
spirit what cannot be accomplished?"

A lesson for further pondering.


A Snail's Pace

    "A Snail's Pace"  © 2012  Cathy Gazda
   Colored Pancil - 4 x 4 inches

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