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May 20, 2012:  The cattle are down from the
north to graze in the open range, many of
them with adorable calves ambling alongside.

Often, several of them will find a gap in the
boundary fence and make their way through
the neighborhood, eating as much of the
delectable plantings from yards and gardens
as they can before "Dusty" (our local wrangler)
herds them on back to national forest land.

Usually, they are very timid, like this Hereford
mama who kept a watchful eye on me, while
her calf was udder feeding.  When her calf was
done, they both came over to say 'hello'...
mooing sweetly to each other, and to me.


Hereford Mama

    "Hereford Mama"  © 2012  Cathy Gazda
   Pencil - 8.5 x 9.25 inches

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