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April 1, 2012:   April Fool's Day.    It seems
like a good day to get back in touch with
'my inner bozo' (as friend, Stan, likes to say).

I decided to do something completely goofy;
without detail, or concern about the end
result being even remotely recognizable.

Remember the old 'blind contour drawing'
exercise? Where you put your pen, pencil or,
marker to the paper; then, look at the
subject (or in this case, look in the mirror)
and do a continuous line drawing without
looking down at your paper or even lifting
the pencil off the page? Time limit was
30 seconds...color added later.

Chuckling is fact, it's required!


April 1, 2012: Just Another Bozo

  April 1, 2012:  "Just Another Bozo" *  © 2012  Cathy Gazda
hat tip to Firesign Theatre's album: 'I Think We're All Bozos On This Bus'
   Sharpie Pen and Acrylic on canvas panel - 7 x 5 inches

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